our history
Since our charter in 1894, 33 ministers have served this church, and 5 members have been ordained into Christian ministry.
The Christian Church was assembled for the first time with 19 members. It met in the B. K. Emerson House on Sanchez Creek. H. H. Taylor preached the first sermon.
The church met at the Courthouse. Rev. J. J. Hamilton was ordained and took charge of the church.
The church moved locations to the school house on West Church Street.
The church changed locations to the residence of Thomas U. Toler.
Church services were moved to Mason School House on East Church Street.
Rev. Mansfield Mathews became pastor and the worship services moved to Milam's Hall.
Land was purchased at the corner of South Main and Church Street for $450. Money was raised to build what is now South Main Church of Christ.
On January 8th, the church reached an agreement to split over the issue of using an organ in the worship services. The party that is now referred to as the South Main Church of Christ gave the party leaving the church $1,357.40 for their part of the building.
On January 21st, a new congregation of 65 members was formed which is now referred to as Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Property was purchased on the corner of Houston and Oak and a stone building was erected and furnished at the cost of $4,200.00
On May 13 the building at West Oak and Houston Streets was dedicated with Bible School, Christian Endeavor and Ladies' Aid Society organized shortly thereafter.
On July 1, W. H. Bagby became the first minister.
Annex with classrooms and elevated baptistery was built onto sanctuary.
A basement was constructed adding classrooms, fellowship hall and kitchen at West Oak and Houston.
The Sanctuary was refurnished and redecorated, and air conditioning and memorial windows were installed.
Purchase of six and one-half acres in 1600 block of South Main.
On May 5th the congregation moved from the little brown church on the corner to 1602 South Main to begin use of the new sanctuary and north education building.
Church dedication on July 5.
Click here to view the symbolism of the stained glass windows in the sanctuary.
Annex with classrooms and elevated baptistery was built onto sanctuary.
Addition of classrooms to north education building.
On June 2nd, a Texas Historical Marker was presented to the congregation.
On February 8, Cuppett Hall, an 8200 square foot multi-purpose facility is named after the former minister, Kenneth D. Cuppett and dedicated.
In March, congregation approves the hiring of Pam Holt, increasing our church staff to two full time ministers.
Church completed a years long renovation of the entire campus, including: Cuppett Hall, the Sanctuary and modernizing the Children's Building.
church window symbolism

The sanctuary and chancel windows reflect modern art. An interpretation is through lines and colors. The four small sanctuary windows on each side, looking first from the back to the front, symbolizes darkness to light. Each window becomes progressively lighter. Thus the concept of darkness to light to Christ the light of the world, depicted in the chancel window.
With our sanctuary facing toward the rising sun, what better word could be carried to the worshipping Christian than those uttered by our Lord, "I am the light of the world; he who believes in me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" (John 8:12).
The background of the window is blue, symbolizing the darkness that once was in the heavens. Small, yellow pieces of glass cause concentrated bursts of light to penetrate the darkness. Located in the background also are twelve red diamond shaped stars, symbolizing the twelve Disciples. Eleven are grouped in the upper half of the window. Another is lower and off by itself, symbolizing the Fallen Disciple.
In the upper right hand corner are concave lines, inclosing white, yellow, purple, and red colored glass. This larger concentration of light reflects the Eye of God, an early Christian symbol of God's presence, the Creator from whence come all things.
The two stabilizing rays of green, which flow down from the light of the Eye of God and pass through the blue heaves, finally resting on an even larger concentration of light, symbolizes God's grace on His Son, Jesus Christ, who is the light of the world.
Christ's suffering, death, and resurrection is symbolized here and in the large wooden cross which silhouettes the center of the light and illuminates the symbol of Christ. The Crown of Thorns and the Blood of Christ shed for our sins is symbolized in red colored glass, which encircles the large area of light.
The variegated stabilizing rays, which flow from the large area of light to the base of the window, symbolized the light under which we are born. Thus our open baptistery is located here to remind us of this new birth and our responsibilities as Christians to rise, go forth, and carry Christ's light into all our human relationships.
The west sanctuary windows depict the history of Central Christian Church and its Biblical background.
The south window reminds us of our rich heritage here in Weatherford with the establishment of this church by 65 persons of faith and vision in 1894. The artist reminds us of our humble beginnings in the first structure and also how the hand of friendship has always united us and our fellow man.
A mustard seed with a large tree over it reminds us that from small beginnings God can make something wonderful happen. The later structure on West Oak Street is readily identified and signifies years of growth for this congregation.
Finally at the top is the open Bible, the source book of our Christian faith, and the cross of self-sacrifice which is each Christian's role and duty.
The North window reads from top to bottom with symbols representing significant events in the life of our savior. The descendinq dove denotes God's special favor bestowed upon Jesus at his baptism.
The Greek letters Chi and Rho are the first letters of Christ, and the artist has placed them upon a rock reminding us of Peter's confession that Jesus was the Christ and Jesus' response that this confession would be the foundation stone for his church.
Two fish and a loaf help remind us of the young man who gave his lunch which our Lord blessed and was able to feed to the multitude.
A palm branch always reminds us of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem and the beginning of his last week on earth.
The chalice is our reminder of his cup of self-sacrifice to be poured out for many, while the butterfly symbolizes the resurrection and our eternal hope through Him.
However, there is more here than meets the eye at a glance. The artist's imagination stirs our emotions. He puts his message in the deft strokes of form and color. The large area of green in the South window denotes life - life for the individual and life for the church. The dominant red theme in the North window denotes royalty and also the sacrifice of our Lord for each of us.