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All Are Welcome

We believe everyone should be encouraged to

discover and use their gifts for ministry.

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Who is Disciples of Christ (DOC)?

We are part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), a protestant denomination founded in America.

How do I Participate at CCC?

At Central Christian Church, we propose 7 Elements of Faith and 3 ways to get involved.


What are our Ministries?

Five Ministry teams make up the work of the church: Worship, Outreach, Family Life, Small Groups, Follow Up.


What is Our


Central Christian Church has been an open door faith since 1894.




Meet our Staff


Senior Minister

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Family Life Minister



Children's Minister

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Youth Minister


Choir Director


Assistant Choir Director & Pianist

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Administrative Assistant



There is more here than meets the eye at a glance.

find out more about
church leadership


The Elders consist of men and women who are called to represent Christ through a maturity of faith, and to:

  1. Oversee and support the life and welfare of the church

  2. Act as agents for conflict resolution

  3. Be chief caregivers to the Congregation

  4. Mentor the Deacons

  5. Bless the Elements of Communion


The Diaconate consist of active men and women who play a very significant role alongside the Elders in the church to care for the church family. 

Ministries Board

The Ministries Board consists of elected officers & representatives from each ministry team.  This board meets every month to discuss, plan, and coordinate the events and happenings that make up the life of the church.

Admin Board

The Administrative Board consists of elected officers that meet monthly to research and make recommendations for the life of the church. Some of the administrative work includes: building and grounds, personnel, and financial accountability.

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